Private Childbirth Classes


private childbirth education is offered as two in-your-home classes for your convenience to prepare you and your SUPPORT PERSON for your pregnancy, labor, birth, and postpartum experiences. If you are looking for a class that is not listed below, please contact US.



Childbirth Education (value $347)

Let’s face it, everything isn’t google-able. So, we’ve created this 3-hour comprehensive childbirth education class on the labor process, how birth works, common hospital and birth center procedures, birth planning, B.R.A.I.N., a brief overview of comfort measures, breastfeeding, the postpartum period and more.

During this class, we will focus on how you and your partner stay calm in the moment and make thoughtful decisions when they matter the most.


Comfort Measures: The Five Senses (value $147)

The most important thing in labor is to trust your body. Your body was made to birth and always knows what to do. This Comfort Measures Class is a 60-minute class that teaches you how to trust your body’s ability and utilize your 5 senses (touch, taste, sight, smell, and sound) to enhance comfort during pregnancy and labor. You will learn some of the doula techniques used for birth clients. These techniques can be practiced in almost any birthing situation, including whether or not you choose to have pain medication during labor. These tips are great to have on hand for unexpected situations such as a fast labor or failed epidural. Take this Comfort Measures Class and equip yourself with a few professional hands-on techniques so that you can deal with the intensity of birth!



Birth Partner 101 (value $147)

Does your birth partner feel confident about supporting you in birth? Does your partner know your love language and how to use that to better support you? This Birth Partner 101 Class is a 60-minute class specifically designed help the support person(s) prepare for their role during pregnancy and labor. You’ve read all the books, googled all the possibilities, and are prepared for what your body is about to do, but are they? Do you feel they know how to support you emotionally and physically? If not, then this class has been created for your birth partner!

Please note that childbirth education classes can be purchased separately. If interested, please contact us.

Once you have registered, you will receive an invoice for payment. The class fee covers the cost of all required class materials. Please note that your registration is NOT complete without payment. Class fees are non-refundable and non-transferrable unless approved.
